Commercial Success Client Case

AI & Quality of Hire

Want to identify future top performers today?

Top scorers hired with Pera deliver 94% more revenue than their peers.

The challenges of identifying high-performing individuals, achieving sales targets, minimizing mis-hire costs, and ensuring a positive candidate experience are obstacles that demand innovative solutions. In this client case, we delve into a success story where we transformed the recruitment landscape for two sales-oriented organizations, resulting in remarkable benefits. 

In this success story you’ll learn: 

  • How to immediately predict which candidates will contribute most to revenue growth.  
  • How we reduce your cost per hire  
  • How to multiply your revenue through investing in talent that drives growth and maximizes ROI 
  • How Pera ensures a fair and objective selection process 

Start creating a better future for your organization.

In Their Own Words: Real Results – Real Reviews.

"Pera has transformed how and who we hire, leading to nearly 2x revenue growth in 12 months."
"Pera is making our decisions easy and promising. With a successful new hire, our journey has just begun, and we eagerly expect the remarkable contributions this new team member will bring to our team"